Mother’s Medicine to prevent Swine Flu:
To Prevent Swine Flu Mother Goddess Melmaruvathur Adhiparasakthi’s has given some medicine today.
“Take equal portion of Neem leaves, Tulsi leaves and Turmeric; grind them as paste. Take two pieces of cloths like watch strap, dip the cloth pieces in to the paste and tie in your two wrists. Keep them for three days in your wrists.
For these three days:
(1) Take a neem leave and a Tulasi leave in the mornings.
(2) Do not take non-vegetarian foods.
(3) Do not eat any food preserved in Refrigerator.
(4) Do not sleep in Air-conditioned rooms.
At the end of the third day, remove the cloths strap from your wrists and throw them in running water.”Please use this simple and divine medicine and forward it to your friends and relatives to prevent swine flu.
About Melmaruvathur:Melmaruvathur is a small village 92 km south of Chennai city (Formerly known as Madras) in the southern state of Tamilnadu, India. The place where the Temple stands today has more than 2000 years of history. At this place 21 Siddhars (Highly evolved souls or God realized beings similar to Jesus, Buddha, Moses, Mohammed or Great Spiritual Masters/Gurus) attained Jeeva Samaadhi (Leaving the mortal body but living in astral plane).
Where the current temple's sanctum sanctorum stands today, there was only a neem tree in 1960's. Unlike every other neem tree, which bear bitter tasting fruit, this tree secreted and dripped a sweet nectar. Residents of that village found that they had a urge in their mind to taste this nectar whenever they passed by this tree. Since many passers reported of curing their illness and diseases after tasting this nectar, the word spread swiftly to entire village and its neighborhood. So it became a customary for these villagers to take a drop of this nectar to ailing friends and relatives. They treated this as a medicinal tree and protected it from grazing cattle and wood cutters.
In 1966, a severe storm uprooted this neem tree, which exposed the Swayambu underneath to the villagers for the first time. Swayambu means "A self emerging, naturally formed oval shaped object (carved of rock)". People built a small hut on top of this Swayambu and conducted poojas (prayer rituals) to it.
The thousand petal lotus has significance in meditation. In this idol form, She holds the bud of a lotus in Her right hand, the mudhra (sign) of knowledge in Her left hand and with Her hair plait and knotted upwards like a crown. The shape of this idol is very different from those described in the codes of sculpture. The Mother wanted the idol to be in this form and so ordered through Her Oracle to one of the devotees to create it. The shape and form of this idol cannot be seen anywhere else.
The layout of the Temple is as follows: The OM Sakthi Stage at the entrance. On the highway in front of the Siddhar Peetam there is a stage with the mantra of "OmSakthi" on it. Soolam (Trishul) of the Mother is erected on this stage. The devotees entering the Peetam to worship the Mother, first go round this stage thrice and then enter the Peetam. Since the AdhiParaSakthi is the Mother Origin of everything, there is no NavaGrahas (9 Planets) that are usually found in all other Hindu Temples. The Mother has ascertained, "Those who surrender to me, need not pray to the planetary Lords. They are my officers who carry out the work of implementing my Law of Karma.
The Sanctum Sanctorum faces the entrance where OM Sakthi stage is located. Inside this sanctorum is the Swayambu and Mother's idol. The sanctorum is only about 10X10 feet room. Amma has revolutionized the concept of spirituality by letting everybody irrespective of caste, creed, religion, language, nationality, social status, gender, education, etc., to enter the sanctum sanctorum and perform the daily rituals and prayers to the Mother AdhiParaSakthi. Women can enter the temple even during their periodic menstrual cycle a taking bathe.
The Mother in order to keep blessing people at all times, dwells in the snake pit (putrumandapam) in the form of a cobra. The Mother appears before the devotees who stay in the mandapam (Hall) at nights, in the form of a snake till this day. It is the putrumandapam where the Mother gives Her Oracle.
Saptha Kanniyar Kovil (The Temple of Seven Virgins: To the right of putrumandapam is the temple of seven virgins. Normally the temple of the virgins will never have a roof. So also this temple of the virgins, with wall on four sides has no roof. To ascertain the fact that all are Her children and that She doesn't differentiate between any of us, the Mother ordained the local Harijans (considered to be low caste people in India) to construct the Saptha Kanniyar (Saptha means seven and Kanni means virgin. Kanniyar is plural for virgins) worship center within the Temple.
In July 1978, one day, AMMA in Her Oracle said, "Son the world has come to a very deplorable state, where black magic and voodoo is being practiced heavily. In such a state of affairs, a lot of innocent people get into trouble and suffer. The great many people who get caught in the web of this evil are coming to this place seeking relief. This is a place of devotion and spiritualism. Although it is not improper for them to come here, in order to continue to promote spiritualism without time being wasted in attending to them, construct the Adharvana Badhra Kaali (Furious Form of Mother AdhiParaSakthi to fight the evils) near the lake. The people afflicted by evil spirits will be relieved off them, if they worship My Furious Form of Adharvana Badhra Kaali". Accordingly the Adharvana Badhra Kaali idol was installed on February 9th 1979.
Arulthiru Bangaru Adigalar:
The about of Adigalaar is a very simple but a beautiful place. Just opposite to this abode is a garden with green and natural scenery. It is from here that Adigalaar gives dharshan to His devotees and rests whenever He gets time. There is a small pooja (prayer) room here. When one enters the abode of Adigalaar, one feels like entering the sanctum sanctorum.
One of the unique features of this Temple is that it does not have priests to perform or conduct daily prayers unlike other temples and churches. The devotees themselves are allowed to enter the sanctum sanctorum all the time and they can perform archanas and abishekams in accordance with the procedures laid by the Mother AdhiParaSakthi through Her Oracles. Maha yagnas or velvis are conducted by volunteers here.
The Daily Routine:
The people who serve in the Siddhar Peetam are normally the devotees clad in red dress. They come from outstations, render services and return home. To serve at the sanctum sanctorum, each one of the weekly worshipping centers (mandrams) is alloted a day and informed sufficiently early. Accordingly, all mandrams compete with one another in rendering the best service. Every day Abhishekam at the sanctum sanctorum takes place at 4:00 AM in the morning. After this, idol of the Mother is decorated followed by aradhana. The Mother's blessed prasadam (proceeding of the prayer) is then offered to the devotees. Everyday around 11:00 AM free food is distributed to all visiting devotees.
Besides, on the new moon and full moon days, Adigalaar is given a special welcome and the free food distribution is done on a large scale.
AMMA is very fond of cleanliness. She resides in a clean inner soul and a clean appearance. In the same way, the Temple and its surroundings are always kept clean by volunteers.
Nobody prevents the people from worshipping the Mother AdhiParaSakthi inside the sanctum sanctorum. Also, it is FREE OF COST unlike other temples in India, where money must be paid to conduct prayers.

In the year 1966, during a cyclonic storm at Melmarvathur, a neem tree secreting sweet medicinal milk uprooted to reveal the SWAYAMBU (an oval stone- like emanation). The power above revealed itself in the form of the Swayambu and proclaimed that It had transmigrated into HIS HOLINESS BANGARU ADIGALAR and would give Oracles through him to save the World.
ARULMIGU ADHIPARASAKTHI SIDDHAR PEETAM. This Peedam is situated at Melmaruvathur,92 km south of Madras in Kanchipuram District of Tamil Nadu, India.
This is the place where 21 Siddhars(saints) men as well as women from different religion, had their Jeeva-Samadhis (meaning, where the Siddhars left their human forms behind, while they are still alive as holy spirits).

About the Siddhar Peetam:
The basic tenet of Melmaruvathur Adhiparasakthi Siddhar Peetam is "One Mother, One Humanity", means the whole human race is one and all the human beings who inhibit this vast earth are children of Mother Goddess and therefore there is no distinction amongst the human beings on any basis, be it religion, race, creed, community, caste or even gender.
The main objective for which the Siddhar Peetam strives is "the cult of Sakthi" that is, the whole humanity is born of one omnipotent Mother and hence the whole humanity is one, should be upheld, and each ane everyone's grievances should be removed.
Unique Features of AdhiParasakthi Siddhar Peetam:
1. There are many famous temples in India, namely in Thirupathi, Palani, Madurai, Madhura Malai etc where millions flock to and what’s the reason for it. These temples are centuries old but it has been said that in this temples, there once lived a Siddhar (Siddhar means Enlightened One). In Thirupathi, it was Konganavar, in Palani, it was Bohgar, in Madurai it was Sundaraananthar, in Madhura Malai, it was Paampaadi Siddhar just to name a few. The truth is that these temples are powerful and famous due to the Siddhar who still resides there being immortal. What about Melmaruvathur, where there are twenty one (21) Siddhars there, yes 21 of them, thus the Throne of the Enlightened Ones. It also goes to prove why locals as well as foreigners throng this relatively young Peedam now.
2. Here in Melmaruvathur AdhiParasakthi Siddhar Peetam, the Divine Mother AdhiParasakthi transmigrates into Arulthiru Bangaru Adigalar thereby promoting spirituality and devotion. During the transmigration Adigalar(AMMA) tells Arulvaakku(oracle). Through the "Arulvaakku(oracle)" AdhiParasakthi herself speaks to her devotees, this is the unique speciality of this Siddhar Peetam. Hearing the Goddess Adhiparasakthi's oracle is a great spiritual experience, this miracle takes place at Siddhar peetam.
3. All at Siddhar Peetam are allowed to enter the sanctum sanctorum irrespective of caste, creed, gender and religion. Only at Melmaruvathur, women are permitted to perform poojas in the sanctum sanctorum.
4. Normally in Hindu temples, there are nine (9) “NAVA GRAHAS” or NINE PLANETS idols but here “OM SAKTHI PEETAM” (Om sakthi Stage) serves the same purpose as the “NAVA GRAHAS” or NINE PLANETS. The Sanctum Sanctorum faces the entrance where OM Sakthi stage is located. Inside this sanctorum is the Swayambu (Self-appeared; an oval stone- like emanation) and Mother Adhiparasakthi’s idol. Beside the sanctum sanctorum is the Puttru Mandapam (KING Cobra’s Abode). And there is Shrine for Seven Virgins, the attendant deities of Mother Divine called “SAPTHA KANNIYAR “ and also the Naaga Peedam (Snake’s Throne) where people poured oil into lime skin lamps and made offerings or wishes.
5. Spiritualism with Charitable and Social welfare activities like Mass Feeding, Free Modern Medical service, Supplying clothing and industrial equipments to down trodden, free marriage to poor, giving aids, wheel chairs, tricycles to disabled, Educational Organizations etc.,
6. There was this nostalgic feeling about this place. Perhaps, it should be revealed that this Peedam was written in book called ‘Machap Puraanam’ some 3,000 years ago!
7. What else is unique? Everyone is wearing red! Why red? Amma says that the human race is one as reflected by the colour of our blood and therefore it is to symbolize the oneness in mankind.